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生化危机弥城 射击手游《布拉德肖:僵尸入侵》双..

Biochemical crisis" Mobile game shooting "bradshaw: zombie invasion" double..

2016-01-18 18:51:42来源: 4399

从电影《生化危机》系列到美剧《行尸走肉》大火之后,丧尸类题材的游戏也随着这股风潮随之火爆起来。在目前的手游市场中,也出现了众多以丧尸为题材的游戏,而“丧尸”类主题的游戏又向来喜欢喝“射击”类游戏挂钩。一般都是主角架起各种热兵器对丧尸一片横扫,进行生存大逃亡!今天要介绍的这款名为《Max ...

From the movie "resident evil" series to show the walking dead after the fire, zombie genre of game followed the trend then heated up. In the present mobile game market, there have been numerous depicting the zombies game, and the game of "zombie" class theme has always like to drink "shooting" games. Protagonist is usually set up various hot weapon on zombies a sweep, to a great escape! Today to introduce this called "Max...

标签: 手游 生化危机