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《问道》新服周五开启 薛之谦带你玩转暑期

"Asked" new suit on Friday Take you to play the summer memory

2017-07-19 00:00:00来源: 人民网

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Millions of online, online gaming masterpiece "asked" popular new suit "gaining momentum" is hot on Friday, "asked" brand spokesperson memory together with all must lavish gifts strength. New suit not only has exclusive items "customize gift bag," more "melting elixir" and "jiuli decline demon" exclusive welfare activities. "Asked" offer millions of dao friends together for a new suit, hi turn this summer! "Asked all brand spokesperson memory 3099 yuan red envelopes capricious and pored over popular new suit" gaining momentum "hot on Friday, about war can obtain 3099 yuan new package! "Super treasure map, super gobbledygook, jewellery, god blessing, level 140 random third-order rune, random fashion" gourmet items, such as walks the old and new players helicopter level 140, help you easily won! "Asked" exquisite painting Smelting elixir, god beast fairy yuan free collar "asked" new clothing exclusive welfare activities "melting elixir" synchronous open...