新关注 > 信息聚合 > 如果端游红利耗尽,手游市场该怎么办?


If the swim dividend exhausted, mobile game market what should I do?

2017-05-22 00:00:00来源: 人民网

现在所有大厂都在做端游IP的移植和改编,那以后经典IP消耗完该怎么办? 从手游在智能机平台上兴起开始,端游IP带来的行业红利就开始彰显。早先有《梦幻西游》等典型产品的霸榜,近期传统端游厂商交由腾讯发行的如《剑侠情缘》《梦幻诛仙》等也都有不错的榜单表现。IP之于手游的拉动作用,一直有着很强的存在感。 前段时间,伽马数据发布了《2017年1-3月移动游戏产业报告》。数据显示:2017年Q1手游市场收入达到275亿元,环比增长近20%,增长量、增长速度创下了近两年来新高。 虽然国内市场的竞争十分惨烈,但手游市场的增长还是很可观。不过这一时期的增长,似乎和端游IP就没有那么紧密的联系了。 ...

All companies doing now swim the transplantation of IP and adaptation, then the classical IP eat what should I do? Rise from the mobile game on the smartphone platform, client IP industry brought about by the dividend began to reveal. Earlier has the typical products such as "fantasy westward journey" bully, a list of recent traditional end swim manufacturers to tencent issued by such as "fantasy," jx "also has a good list. IP is to the mobile game role, has been a strong presence. Recently, gamma ray data released "2017 1-3 month mobile game industry report. Data show that in 2017 Q1 mobile game market revenue reached 27.5 billion yuan, rose nearly 20%, growth, growth hit a record in the past two years. Although domestic market competition is brutal, but the growth of the mobile game market is very considerable. But growth during this period, it seems, and end IP is not so closely linked. ...

标签: 手游