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Online status and risks for the elderly in the network survey released

2018-06-28 17:58:14来源: DoNews

DoNews6月28日消息 (记者 费倩文)28日,公安部刑侦局、全国老龄工作委员会办公室宣传部指导,人民网舆情数据中⼼、腾讯公司安全管理部、政务舆情部、微信安全中心共同举办“画像网络新移民 关注银发上网族 ”活动,并发布了《中老年人上网状况及风险网络调查报告》,本次调研主要覆盖年龄在50岁以上的中老年人,针对他们的用网情况和网络安全问题进行调查。据近六千份的样本数据显示,互联网成为老年人认识世界、娱乐、社交的又一空间,然而,中老年人在享受互联网带来便捷的同时,风险随之而至。中老年网络活动丰富据调查显示,手机是中老年群体上网主要工具,中老年手机网民占比高达95.6%。不少中老年人喜好网购、查信...

DoNews6 28 news (reporter FeiQianWen) 28, the ministry of public security department, the propaganda department of the national working committee office on aging guidance to People's Daily online public opinion in the data ⼼, tencent company safety management department, the department of government affairs public opinion, WeChat security center hosted the "new immigrants portrait network focus on silver surfer" activities, and published online status and risks for the elderly in the network survey, this research mainly covers the elderly aged over 50, according to their net and network security problem in the investigation. According to the sample data of nearly six thousand, the Internet has become another old people know the world, entertainment, social space, however, the elderly to enjoy the Internet bring convenient at the same time, the risk to follow. Middle-aged and old rich network activity according to the survey, a mobile phone is in middle-aged group mainly online tools, middle-aged and old phone netizens accounted for as high as 95.6%. Many old people be fond of shopping, check...