新关注 > 信息聚合 > 赛尔号炽天使超进化 神佑之翼·炽天使

赛尔号炽天使超进化 神佑之翼·炽天使

Cernet number on angel super evolution Wings of providence, the blazing angels

2016-01-20 18:05:56来源: 4399

神佑之翼!赛尔号炽天使神圣超进化!赛尔号神佑之翼·炽天使,来自天空的强者,必有其过人的本领!赛尔号炽天使超进化,毋庸置疑的巅峰选择! 活动时间:1月22日开启 活动奖励:神佑之翼·炽天使 该文章是本周更新的预告内容,详细攻略将在本周五(1月22日)更新后补充,届时请大家按F5刷新查...

Wings of god! (the blazing angels sacred super evolution! (god, wings of angels, the strong from the sky, will have its outstanding ability! Cernet number angel super evolution, there is no doubt the top of my choice! Activity time: on January 22, open the reward: god save the wing, the blazing angels The article is the update this week's forecast content detailed strategy on this Friday (Jan. 22) updated supplement, then please press F5 to refresh to check...