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梦想仙侠快速升级攻略 玩家分享

Dream of fairy man rapid upgrade Raiders players to share

2015-06-17 19:49:54来源: 4399

《梦想仙侠》怎么快速升级?且来看下资深玩家的经验总结,很多玩家都是埋头打完装备副本和经验副本,其实除了副本经验,梦想仙侠的经验产出还有其他很多途径的哟~ 游戏的经验获得途径主要有:主线任务、装备副本、经验副本、铜币副本、日常、成就任务、活动BOSS、多人BOSS。 1、在梦想仙侠里,...

"dream fairy man," how fast upgrade? And the term under a senior player experience, a lot of players are countersunk finished copy of the equipment and copy experience, actually in addition to a copy of the experience, Xian Xia dream experience output and many other ways of yo ~ game experience way to get mainly has: the main task, equipped with a copy, copy experience, copper copy, daily, achievement tasks, boss, boss. 1, in the dream fairy,...

标签: 玩家