新关注 > 信息聚合 > 深圳沃尔玛可刷支付宝购物了 付款立减15元

深圳沃尔玛可刷支付宝购物了 付款立减15元

Shenzhen WAL-MART can brush the Alipay payment minus 15 yuan

2015-05-13 14:01:27来源: 本地宝

【导语】:5月13日,沃尔玛与支付宝正式达成合作,深圳25家沃尔玛门店开始支持支付宝付款。5月20日起,支付宝和沃尔玛还将开展为期至少2个月的优惠活动。 5月13日,沃尔玛宣布与支付宝达成合作,深圳的25家门店率先开始支持支付宝付款。25家门店中包括沃尔玛全球明星门店——山姆会员店福...

local treasure: in May 13th, WAL-MART officially reached a cooperation with Alipay, Shenzhen 25 WAL-MART stores to support Alipay payment. Since May 20th, paypal and WAL-MART will also carry out a period of at least 2 months of promotions. In May 13th, WAL-MART announced cooperation with Alipay, 25 stores in Shenzhen began to support Alipay payment. 25 stores including WAL-MART Global Star stores -- Sam's Club fu...