新关注 > 信息聚合 > 腾讯影业:腾讯是如何让你的电影IP更值钱的


Tencent pictures: tencent is how to make your movie IP is more valuable

2016-03-26 03:22:45来源: 17173

昨日(3月25日)腾讯up新品发布会上,腾讯影业发布了一系列片单,全面在电影领域发力。17173记者在现场采访了腾讯影业副总经理、大梦电影工作室总经理陈洪伟以及腾讯影业副总经理、黑体工作室总经理陈英杰,听听他们对于腾讯影业的理解和腾讯影业在电影行业中的独特优势。 腾讯影业2016年上线...

Yesterday (March 25) tencent up new product release, tencent pictures released a series of single, comprehensive strength in the field of film. 17173 reporters interviewed at the scene, deputy general manager of tencent pictures, dream big movie studio Chen Hongwei tencent pictures, as well as deputy general manager, general manager, blackbody studio, general manager of AD, listen to their understanding of the tencent pictures and tencent pictures unique advantages in the film industry. Tencent's pictures, launched in 2016...

标签: 电影 腾讯