新关注 > 信息聚合 > Ingress开发商Niantic成立日本工作室 与任天堂寻..

Ingress开发商Niantic成立日本工作室 与任天堂寻..

Ingress developer Niantic Japan studio and Nintendo search.

2015-12-08 12:23:36来源: 4399

今日(12月8日)据国外媒体报道,增强现实游戏《Ingress》开发商Niantic Labs在日本东京成立了一间工作室。并且由前谷歌日本公司高管Setsuto Murai负责领导该工作室团队。 Niantic首席执行官约翰 汉克(John Hanke)表示,公司在日本落成办公室,将有...

Today (December 8th) according to foreign media reports, the augmented reality game "Ingress" developer Niantic Labs set up a studio in tokyo. And by former Google executives of Japan Inc Setsuto Murai is responsible for leading the studio team. Niantic CEO John Hank (John Hanke) said that the company will be completed in Japan office...

标签: 任天堂