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iPhone XS/ XR也被高通列入禁售名单 苹果回应下周推软件更新解决

The iPhone XS/XR is qualcomm ban list Apple responds to push the software update to solve next week

2018-12-14 12:25:25来源: DoNews

DoNews 12月14日消息(记者 赵晋杰)苹果与高通历时2年的这场专利侵权讼诉,最近愈演愈烈。12月13日,高通方面向法院请求禁售苹果今年最新产品iPhone XS和iPhone XR。而苹果方面则在12月14日回应称,将于下周对中国用户发布iPhone软件更新,以解决被高通起诉的两项专利。苹果还表示,其已向福州法院提出复议申请。从2017年开始,苹果与高通之间就一直在发生大规模的专利诉讼和纠纷,双方甚至在多个国家发起互相起诉。苹果方面指责高通在专利费收取上存在滥用市场优势地位,费用过高的问题。而高通则为了迫使苹果继续合作,声称苹果供应商英特尔芯片本身也侵犯了自家专利,并开始向法院申请,希...

DoNews December 14 news (reporter Zhao Jinjie) apple with qualcomm lasted 2 years the patent infringement violations, intensified recently. On December 13, qualcomm aspect request to the court to ban apple this year's latest product iPhone XS and iPhone XR. The apple has responded that on December 14, will be released next week to Chinese users the iPhone software update, in order to solve by qualcomm sued two patents. Apple also said that it had to fuzhou court to apply for reconsideration. Since 2017, between apple and qualcomm has been a massive patent lawsuits and disputes, the two sides even launched Sue each other in multiple countries. Apple has accused qualcomm on royalty collection abuse market dominant position, the problem of high cost. With high general rules to force apple to continue our cooperation, saying that apple suppliers Intel chip itself also violated their patents, he began to apply to the court, and...

标签: 苹果