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你说你不想输密码了 Android 说行

You say you don't want to lose my password Android said

2016-05-24 11:41:15来源: TECH2IPO创见

在上周举行 Google I/O 2016 大会上,Google 先进技术和项目负责人 Daniel Kaufman 介绍了 Google 生物识别技术 Project Abacus 项目的最新进展,如果项目测试顺利的话,你就可以在今年年底不用输密码也能登录 Android 应用,而是改用生物识别技术。 在去年的 Google I/O 大会上发布了 Project Abacus 项目,该项目运营在设备后台,声称可以根据用户在使用某个应用的时间和地点,以及在操作中记录用户的声音和脸型来计算出信任积分,通过这种方式源源不断地收集用户的使用数据,并对比当前登录用户的信任积分,如...

At Google I/O 2016 conference held last week, Google's advanced technology and Project director, Daniel Kaufman Google introduced biological recognition technology Project Abacus the latest progress of the Project, if the Project test goes well, you can at the end of this year need not lost password can log on to the Android, instead of biological recognition technology. In last year's Google I/O conference launched Project Abacus Project, the Project operation background, the device can claim according to the users in the use of an application of the time and place, and record the voice of the users in the operation and face integral to compute the trust, in this way continuously collecting the use of user data, and compared the current logged in user trust points, such as...

标签: Android