新关注 > 信息聚合 > 不再是“版本垫底”?魔兽世界职业变动将增强猎人


No longer the "version of the bottom"? World of Warcraft career changes will boost hunters

2017-01-16 00:00:00来源: 人民网

日前,暴雪官方发布蓝贴,公布了将要进行的职业改动。 职业: 死亡骑士 鲜血 饮血者的伤害降低了40%(PvP的伤害不变)。 恶魔猎手 浩劫 毁灭、刃舞、混乱新星、混乱打击、死亡横扫、恶魔之刃、恶魔之咬、眼棱、邪能弹幕、邪能爆发、邪能冲撞、伊利达雷之怒、恶魔变形和投掷利刃的伤害降低了2%。 邪能精通现在提供30点恶魔之怒(从25点上调)。 混乱之刃现在使自动攻击的伤害提高150%(从200%下调)。 猎人 野兽控制 眼镜蛇射击的伤害提高了46%。 奇美拉射击的伤害提高了10%。 弹幕射击的伤害提高了10%。 杀戮命令的伤害提高了10%。 射击 瞄准射击、奥术射...

The day before the official release of Blizzard blue stickers, announced to change occupation. Occupation: the death knight has reduced blood damage by 40% (PvP's damage unchanged). The demon hunter havoc destruction, dance, chaos, chaos edge star strike, sweeping, demon blade, demon bite, eye edge, evil death barrage, evil can burst, evil can collide, Eldad thunder wrath, metamorphosis and throwing sword damage decreased by 2%. Fel Mastery now provides 30 demon rage (up from 25). The blade of chaos now increases the damage done by auto attack by 150% (down from 200%). Hunter beast control increased the damage done by Cobra Shot by 46%. Chimera Shot damage has been increased by 10%. Barrage damage has been increased by 10%. Kill Command damage increased by 10%. Shooting, aiming, shooting, arcane shooting...

标签: 魔兽世界