新关注 > 信息聚合 > 宠物代养是共享经济的下一个增长点吗?


Pet generation raises is shared under a economic growth point? Note: in the original

2015-03-21 10:55:29来源: Tech2IPO

TECH2IPO/创见注:在目睹了 Airbub、Uber 这样的共享经济平台将私人住宅变成旅馆,将私家车变成出租车以后,很多投资者、创业者已经开始发掘下一个共享经济的增长点:一个人们可以把自己的资源转变成生产力的新型市场。而提供宠物代养的 Rover 和 DogVacay 就是这样一个...

TECH2IPO/ Airbub Uber witnessed, such sharing economic platform will private house turned into a hotel, will be a private car into a taxi, many investors, entrepreneurs have begun to explore the economic growth point of sharing the next: a people can change their new market resources into productive forces. Provide Rover and DogVacay pet livery is such a...

标签: 共享经济