新关注 > 信息聚合 > ESL One出场英雄分析 女王飞机仍热门

ESL One出场英雄分析 女王飞机仍热门

ESL one played hero of Queen aircraft is still popular

2015-10-10 10:10:26来源: 太平洋游戏网


with the first autumn League footsteps approaching, every game in the occupational data are worth us to study, let us better to understand penetrate the 6.85 version. Not difficult to analyze, 6.85 of the atmosphere is very similar to the 6.84, the rhythm is accelerating at the same time to adjust the balance of the current DOTA2. Queen of pain and aircraft of the two can provide pseudo nuclear burst damage still occupied the dominant position in the premise. And like the wind, the sea and the people like this...