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航班管家App变身机票短信检察官 打击诈骗

Flight steward App morph ticket SMS prosecutors combating fraud

2015-01-30 00:51:21来源: 亿邦动力网

【亿邦动力网讯】1月29日晚间消息,亿邦动力网最新获悉,针对年底“航班取消”诈骗短信频发的情况,出行App应用航班管家专门在其客户端推出了“机票短信检察官”功能。 据亿邦动力网了解,乘客在收到疑似诈骗短信后,将短信内容复制到“航班管家”App中,就能立即识别信息真伪,并提示所乘坐航班的...

billion state power network evening news, US state power network was informed of the latest, "against the end of flight cancellations" fraud SMS situation of frequent travel, App application of airliner Chamberlain specifically in its client launched the "ticket SMS prosecutors" function. According to the US state power network understanding, passengers suspected fraud in received message, copy the content of the message to "flight steward" of App, will be able to immediately identify the information authenticity, and prompted the flight of the...

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