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Live broadcast 】 【 weekend epic WePlay2018 plan

2018-11-05 15:12:42来源: 游戏时光

大家好,一年一度的WePlay2018再次将于上海召开,此次将于上海跨国采购会展中心举办,时间为11月3日到4日两天,到场的嘉宾和神秘活动非常多,我们特意为大家准备了现场直播计划,就在大力和雷电的虎牙直播间,周末锁定房间,我们陪在身边!直播时间&房间号直播时间:2018年11月3日 12:00—17:00 2018年11月4日 12:00—19:30虎牙直播地址:大力房间,雷电房间你必须关注的直播内容为了让大家反反复复、明明白白地看个清楚,那么下面就由我来为大家介...

Everybody is good, the annual WePlay2018 again will be held in Shanghai, will be held in the in Shanghai international procurement conference and exhibition center, time is on November 3 to 4 days for two days, to the guests and mysterious activities very much, we live for you plan, specially in vigorously and thunder tiger tooth studio and lock the room over the weekend, we accompany in the side! Live time & amp; Room number time to live: 12:00 on November 3, 2018-17:00 & have spent & have spent & have spent & have spent & have spent & have spent & have spent & have spent & have spent 12:00 on November 4, 2018-7:30 canine teeth broadcast address: room, you must pay attention to the broadcast content of lightning room for recurrent, plainly see a clear, then the following interface for you by me...

标签: 直播