新关注 > 信息聚合 > 梦幻西游手游五行修业需要多少金币 有什么作用

梦幻西游手游五行修业需要多少金币 有什么作用

Fantasy Westward Journey tour five lines of schooling need how many coins have what effect

2015-07-03 06:46:21来源: 齐齐乐

梦幻西游手游在7月1号的更新维护中,新推出的一种玩法--“五行修业”。具体五行修业有什么用,对哪个群体的帮助大,五行修业需要什么条件等等,小编会在下面做出详细的讲解。 梦幻手游五行修业的作用和价格表 听名字似乎很高大上,实际上就是一个快速获得角色经验的任务而已。 看起来跟跑环一样都...

Fantasy Westward Journey tour in July 1, updating and maintenance, the newly launched a gameplay - "five lines of schooling". Specific five lines of schooling have what use, about which groups help, five lines of schooling need what conditions and so on, Xiaobian will in the following detailed explanation. Dream Tour length of schooling of the five elements of function and price table listen to the name seems to be very tall, and is actually a quick access to the role of experience of the task only. Looks like a ring like...

标签: 手游 梦幻西游