新关注 > 信息聚合 > 阿里云回应故障:服务器等出现IO HANG,正处理将赔偿

阿里云回应故障:服务器等出现IO HANG,正处理将赔偿

Ali cloud response to failure: the server such as IO HANG, are dealing with compensation

2019-03-03 08:46:49来源: IT之家

IT之家3月3日消息 今天凌晨,阿里云疑似出现了宕机故障,IT之家在微博搜索“阿里云”发现,有相当多的网友反馈类似问题,有网友反馈,华北相当多的互联网公司都炸了,App、网站全部瘫痪,一大波程序员和运营、运维专员都从被窝爬起来去公司干活了。针对此事,对此阿里云官方回应称,华北2地域可用区C部分ECS服务器等实例出现IO HANG,经紧急排查处理后逐步恢复。目前我们已经全面排查其他地域及可用区,未发现此类情况。针对本次故障,阿里云将根据SLA协议,尽快处理赔偿事宜。

IT's home news & have spent on March 3, Today early morning, ali cloud suspected downtime fault, IT's home found in weibo search "ali cloud", there are quite a few net friend feedback similar problems, some netizens feedback, north China quite a lot of Internet companies are Fried, App, website completely paralyzed, a big wave programmers and operations, operations specialist from the bed up to company work. Ali cloud, according to the official response for the subject part 2 region of north China area C available ECS server instance, such as IO HANG, step up after screening of emergency treatment. Now we have a comprehensive screening other region and the available area, found no such cases. Aiming at the fault, ali cloud will according to the SLA agreement as soon as possible to handle matters relating to compensation.

标签: 阿里云