新关注 > 信息聚合 > 5家银行去年信用卡量破亿,你有几张?


Five banks had more than 100 million credit cards last year. How many do you have?

2019-04-06 15:57:24来源: IT之家

IT之家4月6日消息 根据每日经济新闻的报道,数据显示,截至去年6月末,农业银行、中国银行信用卡发卡量相继突破亿张,成为继工行、建行、招行之后,加入信用卡“亿张俱乐部” 。据悉,根据中国银行披露的2018年中报数据显示:上半年,中国银行信用卡累计发卡量达到1.04亿张,同比增长61.3%,成为继工商银行、建设银行、招商银行后,第四家累计发卡量突破亿张的银行。2018年11月21日,中国农业银行在上海举办了“亿起腾飞-精彩WE来 -- 农行信用卡发卡量超亿庆典”,宣布农业银行信用卡累计发卡量突破1亿张。至此,信用卡累计发卡量破亿的银行达到5个,分别是工行、建行、招行、中行和农...

According to the daily economic news, the data show that by the end of June last year, the number of credit cards issued by Agricultural Bank of China and Bank of China had surpassed 100 million, becoming the "100 million clubs" of credit cards after ICBC, CCB and China Recruitment Bank. It is reported that according to the data released by the Bank of China in the mid-term report of 2018, the cumulative issuance of credit cards by the Bank of China reached 104 million in the first half of the year, an increase of 61.3% over the same period of last year. It has become the fourth bank after the Industrial and Commercial Bank, the Construction Bank and the China Merchants Bank, with a cumulative issuance of more than 100 million cards. On November 21, 2018, the Agricultural Bank of China held a celebration in Shanghai of "Billion Rises - Wonderful WE & nbsp; - - nbsp; the amount of credit cards issued by Agricultural Bank of China exceeded 100 million", announcing that the cumulative amount of credit cards issued by Agricultural Bank of China had exceeded 100 million. So far, the cumulative issuance of credit cards amounted to more than 100 million banks, namely ICBC, CCB, China Merchants Bank, Bank of China and Agriculture Bank.