新关注 > 信息聚合 > 首批进口游戏版号下放:腾讯《权力的游戏·凛冬将至》/网易《迷室3》获批


The first batch of imported game versions were decentralized: Tencent's "Game of Power: Winter Coming"/Netease's "Labyrinth 3" was approved

2019-04-02 17:01:17来源: IT之家

IT之家4月2日消息 原国家新闻出版广电总局官方显示,首批进口游戏已经下发,总数为30个,审批时间为3月29日。其中,游族网络和腾讯的《权力的游戏·凛冬将至》、网易的《迷室3》、完美世界的《洪潮之焰》、微软看家竞速大作《极限竞速7》等游戏获批。昨天原国家新闻出版广电总局公布第十一批国产网络游戏审批信息,新增67个获批游戏,审批时间为2019年3月29日。腾讯、网易等游戏大厂再次缺席。以下为具体名单:

The former State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio and Television (SAFT) officially indicated that the first batch of imported games had been issued, totaling 30, and the approval time was March 29. Among them, games such as Youzu Network and Tencent's Game of Power, Netease's Labyrinth 3, the Flame of the Flood in the Perfect World, and Microsoft Watcher's Speed-Up Masterpiece, Extreme Speed-Up 7, were approved. Yesterday, the former State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Television and Television announced the approval information of the 11th batch of domestic online games, adding 67 new approved games, the approval time is March 29, 2019. Tencent, Netease and other big game factories are absent again. The following is a specific list:

标签: 游戏 腾讯 网易