新关注 > 信息聚合 > 游戏主播楚河约战嗨氏 竟是为了怒喷水军

游戏主播楚河约战嗨氏 竟是为了怒喷水军

Presented the bo Lin about war hi's game Water was to anger

2017-08-21 00:00:00来源: 人民网

近日,从来不主动参加虎牙营收活动的主机一哥楚河,因被嗨氏粉丝激怒而参加了一次虎牙的冲榜活动,双方粉丝直接开始了口水战和礼物战,结果楚河超过嗨氏赢得了榜单第一。 两方粉丝对喷也愈演愈烈,嗨氏受不了压力停播,发微博贴出15日直播回放,声称自己没有瞧不起其他游戏专区的主播。楚河长文回应只想好好直播,并微博约战嗨氏“明晚九点敢不敢来直播对峙,多说了没用。” 20日晚9点,楚河开播,嗨氏并未现身。直播中楚河仔细解释了此次与嗨氏冲突事件的始末,楚河表示他并不想伤害同平台的主播,而且他无数次强调这次双方都是因为被水军带了节奏,希望双方粉丝冷静。 楚河在直播中几次情绪失控,当初水军在直播间...

Recently, never take the initiative to participate in canine teeth revenue activities host brother bo Lin, angered by hi's fans have attended a canine teeth of the list of activities, both sides fans directly to the saliva and presents, the results more than hi bo Lin won the list first. The two fans is intensified on spray, hi's can't stand the pressure off the air, tweeting posted 15 live playback, claimed that he didn't look down upon other game zone of the host. Bo Lin long response just want to live well, and hi's weibo about war "dare to dare not to live at 9 o 'clock tomorrow evening, said no more." 20 at 9 PM, bo Lin, hi has not appeared. Live in bo Lin carefully explain the conflict with hi's beginning and end of the event, bo Lin said he didn't want to hurt with the platform of the host, and he emphasized both sides because this time the countless times water army brought a rhythm, hope that the two sides fans calm. Emotion, when bo Lin several times in the live water army in the air...

标签: 游戏 主播