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万圣嘉年华问卷欢乐送 多种好礼免费领

Halloween Carnival were happy to send other gifts to receive free

2015-10-22 01:06:02来源: 多玩游戏

活动期间登录游戏并填写调查问卷,便可获得当天的相应奖励。登录满10天,还有额外好礼等你来拿。永恒会员登录满10天,更可专享额外福利哦 亲爱的永恒之塔玩家: 万圣节即将到来,问卷好礼欢乐大派送。10.21-11.1每日登录游戏,即可尊享问卷福利,黑金功勋勋章、稀有魔石包袱、奥德隆摩...

activities during the login to the game and fill in the questionnaire survey, can obtain the corresponding reward of the day. Sign on for 10 days, and a bonus, etc.. Eternal member login full 10 days, more exclusive bonus Oh Dear eternal tower internationally: Halloween is coming soon, the questionnaire gift Happy delivery. 10.21-11.1 daily log in the game, you can enjoy the welfare gold medal, questionnaire, rare stone burden, Odd Ron Mo...

标签: 嘉年华