“随着2015小旭音乐全国巡回演唱会(成都站)强大嘉宾阵容的曝光,官微君也爆料了一些演唱会攻略和幕后的信息~~那么今天呢,官微菌将爆料一个重磅节目!” 为了答谢歌迷朋友对小旭游戏音乐的大力支持,小旭音乐CEO卢小旭先森,将在11月20日演唱会当天~~亲!自!登!台!献!唱! 那么...
"with 2015 Xiaoxu music nationwide tour (Chengdu) strong lineup of guests of the exposure, Guan Weijun's also broke the singing will Raiders and behind the scenes information ~ ~ so today, the official micro bacteria will broke the news of a heavy program!" to thank the fans to Xiaoxu music game support, Xiaoxu music CEO Lu Xiaoxu Sen, in concert on November 20 will day of pro ~ ~!! climb!! offer! Sing! So...