新关注 > 信息聚合 > 从三位一体到泛娱乐 《问道》今年大不同

从三位一体到泛娱乐 《问道》今年大不同

From Trinity to pan entertainment "asked" this year different

2015-05-22 10:32:54来源: 天极网


today, "asked: Battle of Kunlun" Jin Shuang beta, hot open, launched more than raid, 160 professional suit, epic story, copies of a new gameplay, etc. new content. Last night, Guangyu game is in Sanya held a grand vision for the show, "asked a new piece of information" beta campaign. Recently, Guangyu games vice president Zhu pingbao in an interview said this year, "asked," will be from the mobile terminal, page tour, end tour version of "three terminal development in an all-round way...