新关注 > 信息聚合 > 71岁学炒股 85岁会网购 你说这老人洋气不

71岁学炒股 85岁会网购 你说这老人洋气不

71 years old learn to fry at the age of 85 you say this man is an online shopping

2015-04-16 18:08:02来源: 华商网

在天猫国际上买的药品,货从美国发出后,到国内转EMS中国邮政快递后,费先生一直没收到,但是物流却显示本人已签收,费先生接连找了几次快递公司都没有结果。 4月16日中午,华商报记者在西安市丰登路一栋住宅楼见到了86岁的费先生。86岁的费老先生,耳聪目明会网购。“这单是国际快递,我给老伴...

in Tmall international to buy drugs, goods from the American issued, to the domestic EMS China courier, Mr. fee has not received, but the logistics is that I have received, Mr. Fei has made several attempts to find the courier company all have no result. At noon on April 16th, the China Daily reporter saw the 86 year old Mr. fee in Xi'an City Limin Road residential building. The 86 year old Mr. fee, online shopping will have good ears and eyes. "This is the international express, I to his wife...