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摩托罗拉5G Mod配距离传感器:离太近就关闭5G毫米波

Motorola 5G Mod Distance Sensor: Close 5G Millimeter Wave Too Close

2019-02-18 23:01:54来源: IT之家

IT之家2月18日消息 去年8月,摩托罗拉宣布可能仍然是世界上第一款真正的5G手机——由Verizon独有的Moto Z3,配备可选的5G Moto Mod。该公司承诺将为用户提供一个快速的5Gbps蜂窝连接,比目前大多数固定电话更快。5G Mod将在2019年初推出,届时Verizon的5G NR网络将在美国推出。据外媒The Verge的新闻,5G Moto Mod今天刚刚通过FCC,一份文件详细说明了它的工作方式,可能该公司不会公开其中一些描述。其中一个细节令人惊讶,5G Moto Mod将配备接近传感器,如果用户离得太近,它会关闭任何5G天线发出的毫米波。▲图自The Ver...

IT Home News Feb. 18 - nbsp; last August, Motorola announced that it might still be the world's first real 5G mobile phone, Moto Z3, unique to Verizon, with an optional 5G Moto Mod. The company promises to provide users with a fast 5Gbps cellular connection, faster than most current fixed phones. 5G Mod will be launched in early 2019, when Verizon's 5G NR network will be launched in the United States. According to the news of Foreign Media The Verge, 5G Moto Mod just passed through the FCC today. A document detailedly explains how it works. Maybe the company will not disclose some of its descriptions. One of the surprising details is that 5G Moto Mod will be equipped with proximity sensors, which will turn off millimeter waves from any 5G antenna if the user is too close. _Figure from The Ver...