新关注 > 信息聚合 > 美国假冒商品报告:eBay纵容卖家销售假货


America fake commodities report: eBay winks sellers sell fakes

2014-11-17 11:19:35来源: 中国信息产业网

、尽管目前距离圣诞节还有1个多月时间,但美国的假日购物季已经开始启动。尽管在线购物似乎是一种避免拥挤的人群、寻找更优惠活动的好方式,但近期的一份调查报告显示,网上许多商品的实际情况并不一定像看起来一样好。 根据“假冒商品报告”组织发布的最新报告,eBay并未对平台上销售假货的卖家进行严...

, despite the current distance Christmas still has the time of 1 many months, but USA holiday shopping season has started. Although online shopping seems to be a good way to avoid the crowd, looking for more favourable activity, but recently a survey report shows, the actual situation of the Internet many goods do not necessarily like looks as good as. According to "the latest reports of counterfeit goods report" issued by organization, eBay is not on the platform of the seller to strict sales of counterfeit goods...