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《御剑情缘》手游官网上线 首测预约开启

"The imperial sword" mobile game website online First make an appointment to open

2016-05-11 16:07:12来源: 多玩游戏

紫龙互娱旗下首款3D东方幻想飞仙手游《御剑情缘》官方网站正式上线,首测预约活动同步开启。玩家可通过官网第一时间了解游戏特色与详细玩法。无限制自由御剑飞仙,3D大世界真实环境,五大职业百种特技,角色订制随心塑造,带你游历最美东方幻想大世界。 《御剑情缘》手游官网 祖龙全明星制作加持...

Purple dragon mutual entertainment's first 3 d Oriental fantasy fly fairy mobile game "imperial sword" official website officially launched, synchronous open first booking activities. Players can through the website immediately understand the game features and detailed. Unlimited free royal sword fly fairy, the 3 d world real environment, the five professional one hundred kinds of special effects, character ordering follow shape, take you visit the most beautiful Oriental fantasy world. "The imperial sword" mobile game's official website Archosaur all-star make blessing...

标签: 手游