新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《全民主公》宾徒三星通关攻略 通关阵容介绍

《全民主公》宾徒三星通关攻略 通关阵容介绍

"National master" bin acts Samsung customs clearance team introduced the

2015-03-26 21:00:47来源: TechWeb

全民主公宾徒三星通关攻略通关阵容介绍,宾徒是全民主公中的副本,想必很多玩家都不能完美的三星通关吧,今天小编就给玩家们带来宾徒三星通关阵容介绍,下面我们就一起来了解一下吧。 宾徒阵容武将搭配推荐: 晕炮*3+雷军*3+冰法*1+弩弓*1 宾徒阵容武将摆放: 将雷军放在前排削血,然后...

national master Raiders Raiders customs clearance bin acts Samsung lineup presentation, bin acts is a copy of national master in, must have a lot of game player can perfect Samsung clearance, small today make up for the game player who brings guest acts Samsung clearance lineup presentation, below we together look at it. Bin acts lineup generals collocation is recommended: halo gun *3+ Lei Jun *3+ ice *1+ crossbow *1 bin acts lineup generals put: will put cut blood Lei Jun in the front row, and then...

标签: 三星