新关注 > 信息聚合 > 20岁小伙沉迷网游连续熬夜4天 熬出“脑出血”

20岁小伙沉迷网游连续熬夜4天 熬出“脑出血”

20-year-old boy addicted to online games in a row late at night four days proudly "cerebral hemorrhage"

2016-01-11 10:40:52来源: 新浪

20岁的小张因为头部剧烈疼痛1月6日被送往武汉市第三医院光谷院区神经外科,经医生检查发现,平时身体健康的他竟因劳累、饮食不规律导致蛛网膜下腔出血,也就是俗称的“脑出血”的一种类型。 半月前,小张找工作屡次碰壁,便迷上打网游。“为了升级,自己4天没有出过网吧,吃喝全在网吧,困了就睡,醒...

20-year-old Zhang because of severe pain in the head Jan. 6 was sent to the Third Hospital of Wuhan Optical Valley Hospital District neurosurgery, medical examination found that he had normal healthy because of fatigue, eating disorders lead to subarachnoid hemorrhage, also known as "cerebral hemorrhage" of a type. Half months ago, Zhang find a job repeatedly rebuffed, they fell in love to play online games. "In order to upgrade, four days have not had their own Internet cafes, Internet cafes in the whole food and drink, sleepy sleep, wake up ...

标签: 网游