新关注 > 信息聚合 > 正式签约韩寒 《使命召唤Online》10.27公测

正式签约韩寒 《使命召唤Online》10.27公测

Han official signing "call of duty Online" 10.27 beta

2016-10-19 20:37:42来源: 多玩游戏

2014-11-21 不删档测试需要激活码(大陆) 2014-08-01 终极内测需要激活码(大陆) 2014-06-30 尖峰测试需要激活码(大陆) 2013-10-24 内测需要激活码(大陆) 2013-04-30 封测需要激活码(大陆) 2012-11-29 首测需要激活...

2014-11-21 don't delete file test need activation code (mainland) ultimate closed need to activate the 2014-08-01 yards (mainland) 2014-06-30 rush test need activation code (China) 2014-06-30 private need activation code (China) the 2013-04-30 testing need activation code (mainland China) need to activate the 2012-11-29 first test...