新关注 > 信息聚合 > 从“全民做事体”盛行看丁磊的游戏制作理念


From "the people to do the thang" the prevail of Ding's game 1, speed transit network

2015-07-03 12:37:46来源: 速途网


, "dream swims on the west 2" 2015 annual Strategy Conference in Guangzhou Changlong held, and Netease CEO for the conference made a special trip to shoot a video, put forward own for the production of the game concept. Unexpected is that his remarks rapid fermentation in the microblogging platform, such as wonderful said debaters Aili, Ma Weiwei such micro Bo celebrity quickly followed suit, put forward their own "national do thang". And do things in a fiery...

标签: 游戏