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剑网3全民飞行坐骑今日上线 神雕侠侣MV首映

Jian Wang 3 National flying mounts on-line today return of the Condor Heroes video Premiere

2015-06-30 09:43:38来源: 17173

《剑网3》为广大侠士准备的六周年神秘大礼今日上线,多阶段可成长,可双人同骑,可飞奔滑翔的养成坐骑“金翅苍宇雕”等你来拿!在更新完成后,所有自2009年公测以来冲值游戏时间金额达到120元的所有玩家均可直接接任务领神雕雏鸟!感人MV全网首映,一起先睹为快! 推荐新服: 点卡区: ...

"Jian Wang 3" for the majority of the chivalrous person for the sixth anniversary of the mysterious gift today on-line, multi stage growth, double the same ride, gallop gliding mounts to develop "Greenfinch Cang Yu carved" wait for you to take! After the update is complete, all since 2009 beta game delta time amount reached 120 yuan all players can directly connected tasks lead Condor chicks! Moving MV whole network premiere, be all eagerness to see it together! Recommended new service: card area:...