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召唤霍比特勇士 梦幻西游2动画预告

Summon hobbit warriors Fantasy Westward Journey 2 animated trailer

2015-01-29 15:51:04来源: 新浪

梦幻西游2 CGWR 得分 CGWR:18 位 CGWR介绍 好莱坞巨作《霍比特人:五军之战》1月23日在国内公映以来票房连连刷新,3天拿到3.1亿,掀起了全民观影热潮。然而网络上颇具才气的网友们也没闲着,梦幻西游的玩家就即刻发挥其鬼斧神工的技能,贡献了一部五军勇士捍卫《梦幻西游...

Fantasy Westward Journey 2 CGWR score of CGWR:18 bit CGWR introduce the Hollywood blockbuster "the Hobbit: Battle of five armies" in the domestic release since January 23rd box office again and again refresh, 3 days to get the 310000000, set off a nationwide viewing boom. However, the network is quite brilliant netizens also not idle, Fantasy Westward Journey game player will play its extraordinary as if done by the spirits of skills, with a five army of warriors to defend the "Fantasy Westward journey...

标签: 梦幻西游