新关注 > 信息聚合 > 热游TOP榜:魔兽电影引热潮 怪物猎人开测大涨

热游TOP榜:魔兽电影引热潮 怪物猎人开测大涨

Hot tour TOP list: Warcraft movie lead boom Monster Hunter open test rose

2015-11-10 09:32:58来源: 多玩游戏

【以下数据内容来自“百度指数” 百度指数查询传送门:http://index.baidu.com/】 往期《TOP榜》回顾:[韩国网游篇] - [国内热游篇] - [国内新游篇] - [国内手游热榜] 本期热游TOP榜中,25款游入榜游戏总指数为894530,对比上期整体上涨40....

[the following data content from Baidu index, Baidu index query portal: http://index.baidu.com/] to "TOP list" review: [] - [South Korean online articles domestic hot tourist articles] - [in China] [new article - home the heat Mobile Games hot list] tour TOP list 25 tour entry game index was 894530, compared to the overall rise. 40...

标签: 电影 怪物猎人