新关注 > 信息聚合 > 日系奇葩游戏:用第一人称方式站着吃面


On the game: Department of flower with the first person to eat standing face

2015-03-21 05:40:47来源: 天极网

上战场啰战士们…在那之前先填饱肚子吧!《i立ち食いそば》 相信各位一定都知道什么是FPS吧,它是First Person Shooter”第一人称射击游戏”的简称,不过在这款游戏中可不是这样定义的。虽然本作简称也是FPS,但全名可是” First Person SOBA” 如果有...

soldiers on the battlefield... Before that to fill his belly! "I vertical feed for UTI Hai" speech believe you must know what is FPS, it is First Person the Shooter "first person shooter" referred to, but in this game is not such a definition. Although the abbreviation is FPS, but the full name of "First Person SOBA" but if...

标签: 游戏