新关注 > 信息聚合 > 用连胜干杯 杭州闪电队品牌日守望先锋联赛化身粉色派对

用连胜干杯 杭州闪电队品牌日守望先锋联赛化身粉色派对

A toast with straight Hangzhou lightning incarnate pink watch brand, pioneer league party

2019-02-19 00:00:00来源: 人民网

Hangzhou Spark杭州闪电队在取得全球顶级电竞职业联赛守望先锋联赛Overwatch League(简称:OWL)的中国首胜后,北京时间2月17日杭州闪电队又以3:2击败洛杉矶英勇队,取得两连胜,稳坐联赛排行榜首位。同日杭州闪电队双喜临门,2月17日是Spark Team day战队品牌日,暴雪竞技场内外都被装点成Spark代表性的粉色,粉丝身着闪电队的队服为Spark在比赛中加油助威。这一天,在粉丝尽享战队连胜愉悦的同时,也让他们与战队品牌有了亲近互动的机会。 杭州闪电队与洛杉矶英勇队的首局比赛中,Guxue与Ria发挥出色,在全队默契的配合中拿下首局比赛。休息片刻后第二局...

Hangzhou Hangzhou lightning Spark team watch e-sports professional football League in the world's top pioneer League Overwatch economic (hereinafter referred to as: OWL) after the first win of China, Beijing time on February 17, Hangzhou lightning team beat Los Angeles heroic 3-2 on aggregate, made two wins, dominates the League charts. On the same day the lightning hangzhou double happiness, on February 17, is the Spark Team day Team brand, blizzard arena, both inside and outside are decorated into the Spark representative pink, fans of the lightning Team shirt for Spark cheer in the game. On this day, in the fans enjoy the team wins the joyful at the same time, also let them close to the opportunity to interact with team brand. Hangzhou lightning and heroic in the team's first match, Los Angeles, Guxue with Ria in good cooperate team scored in the first innings. The second set, after a short rest...

标签: 守望先锋