新关注 > 信息聚合 > 欧美9国游戏总榜大作《堕落之魂》上线7659游戏平台


List of European and American game total 9 countries masterpiece "the soul of a fallen launched 7659 gaming platform

2016-04-07 16:11:02来源: 新浪

Teebik旗下欧美经典热销大作《堕落之魂》于3月31日正式上线7659游戏平台,作为一款经典的策略性回合制RPG网游,《堕落之魂》的海外版本《Fallensouls》2015年在全球多个地区上线并斩获颇丰。其中在下载榜英文版的排名为:6国总榜第一,9国游戏总榜第一, 14国RPG类下载...

Teebik its European and American classic popular masterpiece "the soul of depravity" officially launched on March 31, 7659 gaming platform, tactical turn-based RPG games as a classic, "the soul of depravity" overseas version of the "Fallensouls" in 2015 in many parts of the world online and made significant gains. The English version on the download list as follows: total list for the first six countries, nine countries total list for the first game, the 14 countries RPG download...

标签: 游戏