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刀锋铁骑激活码积分怎么得 激活码兑换方法

Blade cavalry activation code points to the activation code conversion method

2015-04-02 05:01:07来源: 站长之家

刀锋铁骑在4月1号开始内测,那么内测的激活码要怎么得到呢,下面就为小伙伴们分享一下。 一、积分兑换 官网上要求有200积分即可马上兑换激活码。 二、平台账号限时抢 三、合作媒体共参与 限量资格送不停 积分获取 很多玩家都在为获得积分而烦恼,为了让大家对目前T7所有的积分活动了...

blade cavalry began closed beta in April 1st, then closed beta activation code to get it, there is a small partners to share. There are 200 points to exchange the activation code request, immediately redeem website. Two, the platform account limit rush three, Associated Media co limited participation in qualification to send non-stop integral to get a lot of game player in order to obtain the integral and trouble, in order to let everyone on the activities of all the T7 integral...