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手游中的跑男 《怒鸟快跑!》快乐开跑

In Mobile Games run male "anger bird run! "Happy run

2015-02-10 15:58:11来源: 任玩堂

《怒鸟快跑!》是愤怒小鸟系列中的赛车游戏,一经推出,就吸引一众怒鸟粉丝的关注。怒鸟化身为赛车手,与绿猪、小鸟伙伴们在赛道上追逐比拼。游戏操控手感一流,既融合了系列作品的弹弓和小鸟特技等元素,也加入了畅快的赛车元素,耐玩有趣。 赛车的开始采用拉弹弓将赛车弹飞出去的方式,然后使用重力感应或...

" angry birds run! "Is angry birds in the series of racing games, once launched, will attract the attention of fans anger bird. Angry birds incarnation as a racer, and green pig, bird friends chasing competition on the track. Game control feel first-class, slingshot birds and stunt and other elements blend of both series, also joined the racing element carefree, play fun. The car began to use pull slingshot race car bomb flying out of the way, and then use the gravity sensing or...

标签: 手游