新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《手游对对碰》vol.19:史上最强阵容的史诗大战


"Mobile Games two of a kind" Vol.19: the history of the epic war

2015-04-01 16:11:53来源: 新浪

视频加载中,请稍候... 《手游对对碰》愚人节特辑,希望能在欢快的氛围下让大家体验到好玩的游戏。虽然上一期作出了承诺,要为大家带来一款NBA和三国题材融合的奇葩手游。但!是!恰逢四月一日愚人节到来,不为大家带来一起愚人节特辑,又怎么对得起我们的千万粉丝呢。史上最重磅《手游对对碰》强势...

Sina video loading the strongest lineup, please wait... "Mobile Games two of a kind" April Fool's day, hope to be in the cheerful atmosphere let everyone to experience the fun of the game. Although a period of promise, to bring a NBA and three subjects fusion flower Mobile Games for everyone. But! Is! Coincides with the April 1st fool's Day is coming, not to bring everyone together April Fool's day, how to afford us millions of fans. The history of the blockbuster "Mobile Games two of a kind" strong...

标签: 手游