新关注 > 信息聚合 > 爱奇艺《万古仙穹》第二季上线 持续构建头部动漫IP矩阵

爱奇艺《万古仙穹》第二季上线 持续构建头部动漫IP矩阵

IQIYI "yi xian dome" in the second quarter of on-line continuous build head anime IP matrix

2018-03-19 00:00:00来源: 人民网

3月15日,由爱奇艺出品的玄幻动漫《万古仙穹》第二季正式开播,动画上线不到一小时,播放量突破千万,刷新此前爱奇艺自制独播动漫的播放记录。《万古仙穹》第二季融修仙、博弈、谋略、爆笑、虐恋等元素于一体,并创新引入戏曲唱腔等中国传统元素,是继《灵域》《神明之胄》《剑王朝》等作品之后爱奇艺匠心制作的又一部动漫系列IP。据悉,《万古仙穹》第二季继续沿用第一季的差异化排播模式,于每周四早8:00更新,VIP会员抢先看一集。 动漫《万古仙穹》第二季根据17k小说网点击最高的同名小说改编,由国内老牌动画公司ASK Studio制作,北斗企鹅工作室担任配音团队。为更好地将戏曲与二次元融为一体,爱奇艺特邀...

On March 15, in the product by love's fantasy anime "yi xian dome" officially launched in the second quarter, animated online less than an hour, play amount breakthrough must, refresh after love, art records homemade run in anime show. "Yi xian dome" in the second JiRong cultivate immortality, game, strategy, the joke, sm, and other elements in a body, and innovation into opera singing and traditional Chinese elements, is the "spiritual domain" the stomach of the gods "sword" and so on work after iQIYI originality and an animated series produced by the IP. It is reported, "yi xian dome" in the second quarter to continue in the first quarter of the differentiation row planting pattern, to update every Thursday before 8:00, VIP member first episode. Anime "yi xian dome" in the second quarter, according to 17 k fiction novel network hit the highest, ASK by established domestic animation company Studio production, beidou penguins as dubbing Studio team. Is better to opera and the secondary yuan, iQIYI invited...