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《终结者2》公开赛海选第二轮开启 首轮赛事回顾

Terminator 2 open audition review open the first round of the second round of competition

2017-12-14 00:00:00来源: 人民网

450/14475,在这场空前激烈的竞争中,你是杀出重围的分子,还是不幸落败的分母?网易快节奏枪战竞技手游《终结者2:审判日》携手《Rules of Survival》联合举办的国际超级联赛(TSL),奖金高达500万,中国区公开赛首轮海选赛争夺正式落幕,第二轮火热进行中,14475支参赛队伍中,只有在首轮的排位赛中积分排名前450的队伍进入次轮争夺! 终结者2超级联赛(TSL)中国区公开赛火热进行中 5天海选首轮,数万场比赛,无数个经典时刻,是否也有属于你的高光时刻?即使战败,前排围观看高手的表演,为自己心中的冠军打call,也是绝佳的选择! 战队对决,数读首轮 如果你也作为战...

450/14475, in the unprecedented fierce competition, you are a Deus ex molecules, or unfortunately lost the denominator? Netease fast-paced shooting competitive mobile game "terminator 2: judgment day" hand in hand to the Rules of Survival ", jointly organized by the international super league (TSL), bonus of up to 5 million, China open the first round of auditions for a formal end, a second going on, of the 14475 teams, only the top 450 in the first round of qualifying team enter the second round competition! Terminator 2 (TSL) China super league tournament going on audition first round 5 day, tens of thousands of games, countless moments, whether there is also a perfect moment belong to you? Even if the defeat, in front of the onlookers see superior performance, as the champion of the call, in my heart is also an excellent choice! Number of teams, read the first round if you also as a war...