新关注 > 信息聚合 > 十万个为什么天拓游戏《盗墓笔记》新手站起来


One hundred thousand why tiantuo game "Tomb notes" novice stand up

2015-01-26 13:36:13来源: 不凡游戏网

为什么要选小哥,为什么要这样站位,为什么要强化装备,任何一款游戏对于新人来说总是充满未知的,新玩家在游戏的过程中总会遇到一些问题。 天拓游戏《盗墓笔记》作为一款南派三叔授权,主打摸金倒斗的悬疑探险卡牌手游,新手们在游戏里不仅要经历九死一生的刺激冒险,还要面对各种各样的PK竞技和征服掠夺...

why brother, why such a stance, why to want to strengthen equipment, any game for people are always full of unknown, new game player will always encounter some problems in the course of the game. Our game "Tomb notes" as a Nanpai Sanshu authorization, the main gold pour Dou suspense adventure cards Mobile Games, novices in the game not only to experience be exciting adventures, but also face a variety of PK competitive and conquests...

标签: 游戏