新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《犬夜叉》手游精美插画曝光 日漫格斗重磅来袭

《犬夜叉》手游精美插画曝光 日漫格斗重磅来袭

"Inuyasha" exquisite hand travel day exposure illustration Man fighting heavy strikes

2015-12-02 14:27:59来源: 不凡游戏网

作为黑桃互动的继《EVA》(新世纪福音战士)之后的第二款日漫IP产品,《犬夜叉》手游将开启新一轮格斗风潮,本次曝光了《犬夜叉》手游的精美插画,高度还原了动漫中的人物特点,显得深邃迷人,精致画工与日漫风格相配合,将游戏的主题凸显的更加鲜明,纯正的日漫格斗风重磅来袭。 犬夜叉不仅是画面精致...

Following the interactive spades as "EVA" (Evangelion) after the date of the second paragraph of Man IP products, "Inuyasha" hand tour will open a new round of fighting wave, this exposure of the "Inuyasha" hand tour of exquisite illustration , highly reducing the cartoon characters features seem deep charming, exquisite art work with Japan to cooperate Man style, will highlight the theme of the game is more vivid, authentic Japanese Man fighting heavy winds struck. Inuyasha is not only a fine screen ...

标签: 手游