新关注 > 信息聚合 > 云畅游戏获日本CAPCOM《鬼泣》IP手游授权


YunChang game CAPCOM, Japan has "devil may cry" IP hand travel authorization

2017-12-25 00:00:00来源: 人民网

作为有近16年历史、上亿用户量级的单机ACT大作,《鬼泣》系列在很多玩家心目中是空前绝后的经典作品。近日,中国厂商——云畅游戏宣布获得日本CAPCOM公司知名IP《鬼泣》全球首次手游授权,游戏将于2018年正式问世。 (游戏logo示意) CAPCOM授权云畅 打造全球首款鬼泣手游 CAPCOM(卡普空株式会社)是日本知名电视游戏软件公司,以制作动作游戏闻名,凭借《鬼泣》《街头霸王》《怪物猎人》《生化危机》《洛克人》《鬼武者》《逆转裁判》等系列作品在游戏界享有重要地位。 《鬼泣》系列作品于2001年开始发售,以华丽的战斗表现,配合精美的场景、原声音乐以及游戏系统,带给玩家沉浸式...

For nearly 16 years history, the scale of hundreds of millions of users single ACT, "devil may cry" series is the classic work of epic proportions in many players in mind. Recently, the Chinese manufacturers - YunChang games announced for the famous Japanese CAPCOM global IP "devil may cry" hand travel authorization for the first time, the game will be rolled out in 2018. (games logo hint) CAPCOM YunChang authorization to build the world's first devil may cry hand swim CAPCOM (karp empty co., LTD), one of Japan's leading video game software company is famous for its production action games, with the devil may cry "street fighter" "monster hunter" resident evil "" lok man" "ghost fighters" the ace attorney series in the game world has important position. "Devil may cry" series began in 2001, to combat performance, with elegant scene, original music and game system, to bring the player immersion...

标签: PC 手游 游戏