新关注 > 信息聚合 > 西山居《猎魔军团》11月26日首测 三大职业首曝

西山居《猎魔军团》11月26日首测 三大职业首曝

Westhouse the devil hunter corps "on November 26, the first test three career first exposure

2015-11-17 14:44:56来源: 新浪

新浪游戏讯 11月17日消息,西山居全新日系幻想风网游《猎魔军团》今日正式揭晓首测时间为11月26日,该作是采用虚幻3开发的一款端游产品,目标用户主要瞄准年轻玩家。 一、三大职业 1、枪械师 作为天才型的枪械师,在战场上擅长定点射击和范围爆破,并且掌握各类高智能兵器的技巧,令...

Sina game news November 17 news, Westhouse new Japanese fantasy style games the hunt demons Legion" today officially announced the first time measured for November 26. This is using the Unreal 3 developed a end of the tour products and user goals mainly aimed at young players. A, three professional 1, gun division as a genius of firearms division, on the battlefield at fixed-point shooting and scope of blasting, and master the skills of all kinds of high intelligent weapon, so...