新关注 > 信息聚合 > 火影忍者动画实境展即将开展 携火影手游燃爆今夏..

火影忍者动画实境展即将开展 携火影手游燃爆今夏..

Naruto animation reality show b would join this summer. The mobile game bums.

2016-06-15 11:22:22来源: TechWeb

7月1日-8月31日,火影忍者动画实境展首登上海,荣耀开启!有火影伴随的青春我们一步步成长,从动画到实境,展会将完美还原木叶村,带来超体感的火影体验! 此外,火影忍者动画实境展特邀《火影忍者》手游进驻,玩家不仅可以在现场体验《火影忍者》手游最新版本,还可以参与火影许愿树活动,获得专属限定...

July 1 - August 31, naruto animation reality show first Shanghai, glory open! B have youth step by step, we grow up, driven into reality, the exhibition will be the perfect reduction konoha village, bring the feeling of super hokage experience! In addition, naruto animation reality show special "naruto" mobile game, players can not only experience "naruto" mobile game at the scene the latest version, can also to participate in the activities of hokage wishing tree, to gain exclusive limited...

标签: 手游