新关注 > 信息聚合 > 更公平《征途2》传家宝资料片8.21上线


More equitable "Journey 2" pass the treasure of 8.21 on-line giant of sina

2015-08-07 18:24:29来源: 新浪

巨人第一国战网游《征途2》将于8月21日正式开启年度最大型资料片“传家宝”,玩家除了可以获得一枚价值十余万的传家宝神器外,还能享受到最公平的家族战玩法,是否很期待呢? 人人可得传家宝,上线直接当土豪 作为本次《征途2》资料片的重头戏,“传家宝”可谓是价值连城,为了感谢大家对本次资...

first in the country war games "Journey 2" will be on August 21, officially opened the annual most large scale material piece "heirloom". Players in addition to a value of more than 100000 heirloom artifact can be obtained, but also to enjoy the fair family war games, whether I am looking forward to it? Everyone can have a family heirloom, direct on-line when the tyrant as the "Journey 2" piece of information the highlight, "treasure" can be described as is priceless, in order to thank you for the information.