新关注 > 信息聚合 > 大连LOL电竞女神战队 颜值爆表 身材魔鬼!

大连LOL电竞女神战队 颜值爆表 身材魔鬼!

E-sports goddess team dalian, LOL Appearance, Shape the devil!

2016-04-26 14:13:35来源: TechWeb

现今,要说网络什么最火?异口同声地答案是:电竞圈火爆。火爆也衍生出许多以前从来不敢想象的职业:电竞美女、电竞主播、电竞陪玩等。 大连这座兼具浪漫与现代的国际都市,电子竞技产业方兴未艾,电竞美女和电竞主播鲜为人知。但就是这么一座城市,如今却诞生了一支女子电竞队伍:NPG。 据中国搜索网...

Nowadays, to say what the most popular network? E-sports circle with one voice and the answer is: hot. Hot also spawned many can never imagine before career: e-sports e-sports accompany playing e-sports anchor, beauty, etc. Dalian, the romantic and modern international metropolis, e-sports industry is flourishing, e-sports anchor e-sports beauties and little-known. But is such a city, but now he was born a woman e-sports teams: the NPG. According to the China drawnet...

标签: LOL 电竞